Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
Join us for food and fellowship. Enjoy a short devotional and a memory verse for the week.
Join us for food and fellowship. Enjoy a short devotional and a memory verse for the week.
Ladies Bible Study - Ladies of the church will be starting a 6-week bible study called Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen. This study is about using your God-given power to shift negative thinking patterns and take back control of your thoughts and emotions. Meetings will be on Fridays, beginning March 3rd, at […]
Anyone wishing to contribute to the fundraiser to help support Hannah’s medical needs can send money via Venmo to Kevin Dwyer @Dwyer-Derby.
A bowling event is planned for March 24th at 7 PM at Harrison Bowl. Come join us for an evening of ball-rolling and pin-plowing fun!